02. Programming Probability Distributions

Programming Probability Distributions


It's time to get more experience programming in Python. Probability distributions involve algebraic functions and visualizing those functions.

You'll start out by making a few basic functions to calculate and visualize continuous uniform probability distributions.

Then, you'll program a more complex distribution: a non-uniform discrete probability distribution.

Next, you'll use those skills to explore how a self-driving car, or really any robot, might represent its location probabilities in a discrete, 1-D world. Then you'll expand into probabilities in a 2-D world. You're going to implement the 2-D world using something called a class, which is a sort of programming template. You'll learn more about classes in the exercises.

Finally, you'll become familiar with a probability distribution that is especially important to self-driving cars: the normal distribution.


Here is a summary of the skills you'll work on in these excercises:

Python Skills
  • Writing a function in python
  • Initializing 1-Dimensional and 2-Dimensional arrays
  • Creating visualizations
  • Classes in Python
Probability Skills
  • Calculating probabilities for a continuous uniform distribution
  • Calculating probabilities for a discrete non-uniform distribution
  • Location probabilities on a 1-D grid
  • Location probabilities on a 2-D grid